One of the great things about this gig is that I don't have to stay on the set the entire day. All I do, all my job entails, is stand on the stage for about five minutes until they are done shooting the introduction of the challenging chef. When this is over and the director says "moving on," I change back into my clothes and leave. I was out the door by about 10 a.m. on Friday and on the upper west side to tutor a student at 1030. I went home afterwards, did a 4 mile run, showered, wrote a few e-mails, and then came back to iron chef for my afternoon call time (which I showed up an hour late for), and ate lunch for an hour with the crew because they were all running late. When that was over, I went back up to the upper west side and did in other two hours of tutoring. This job is so ridiculous.
Here is the back story of how I got to be “Faux Flay” or “Chef Jeff,” for those of you who have not heard:
About a year and a half ago, I was working at a private high school as a part-time math tutor. Every morning I arrived to school, the receptionist in the lobby told me I looked just like Bobby Flay. I said I didn't know who Bobby Flay was in that I never watched the food network nor did I watch the American version of iron Chef
“I have been told I am a spitting image of Bobby Flay. I didn't even know who he was
until someone said I should go cook something for them. That said, I have no experience acting, but I have been behind the camera for several years. I thought I might have a random shot at this. I am 6 ft, 170 lbs. I am in shape (ran a marathon a month ago). I realize this is a long shot, but I am very professional and if it's worth anything, a fun guy to have on the set. I, of course, happen to think I'm better looking than Mr. Flay, but I hope that doesn't compromise my chances of being picked. I am not afraid of getting up close and personal with knives or raging flames and the like.”
And within five minutes, I was chosen.
Labels: film job, productive day
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