Jeff's Life

Stuff I do... I'm interesting, I swear.

Friday, August 29, 2003

I stand corrected. I also just woke up (it's like a quarter to 3pm). I love weekends.

Me and Dave are running for "No-frills Movie Coordinators"....

"Organize the occasional No-Frills Movie Nights. Select, rent and screen movies of their choice with input from students. Work with Events Director to organize the annual Oscar and Super Bowl parties."

I think I can do that. Select and rent movies of my choice. Organize alcohol for oscar and bowl parties. Done and Done.
Last night the girls and me, Brad and Mark went out to a Harlem soul food place. I of course showed up late since I'm such a terribly popular guy and have to spread myself so thin. It was part of my master plan, as it turns out, since I managed to eat a little of everyone's leftovers (Mark's waffle, Shasha's potato salad and the dessert cakes she got us, and ultimately Jaqueline's fried chicken doggie bag). Score one for the cheap Jews of the world.

In other news, I didn't get back too late last night, so I figured if I just passed out, (at 11pm as it were), I would wake up naturally with plenty of time for our 11am library shindig today. I set my alarm for 10:15 just in case, but assumed 11 hours would be quite a lot of sleep. So I needed my alarm after all. I'm a sloth, what can I say. And I woke up tired to boot!!

yada yada, lots of wasted day... then the pizza and beer @ 5pm. had a few beers (calculated that it'll take approx. 1 beer/hr for the next 10 months to get our $40,000 worth of free alcohol. Figured I'd get a head start tonight... I'm only up to 15 for the year, yikes!) Talked with Caitlin and Jennifer -- apparently everyone else has the beatnotes due today or on Tuesday PLUS a story, and we have nothing but a 1 week extension. We rock. We rock so hard.

And it turns out I DID piss off Meena at Omar's party last week (I had been wondering if I had said anything controversial since I had CRS syndrome -- can't remember shit). She came up to me today and claimed I had made fun of her at Omar's party about her asking lots of questions. Yes, she asked lots of questions, and maybe not the most relevant or interesting ones. And maybe there are no such thing as stupid questions (just stupid people ;-) ... but that's mean, and I don't remember making fun of her. I pointed out I didn't remember much of anything from that night, (she said she was piss drunk too), and we agreed to clean the slate.

Meredith, on the other hand, had no excuse to forget most of our conversation, since she was sober that night at Omar's party. We recalled several things, one of which being an interest in bradbury novels, another being... I already forgot. I think summer camp. Maybe it was a love for alcohol. Whatever. That's what the facebook is for.

The race is on for the SPJ presidency. Justin, who has a nasty unsubstantiated rumor trailing him, the Commonwealth dude with the bottle opener and perfect dress code, and then Oliver, the cool cat who speaks spanish (or something that sounds like spanish... though all non-english languages sound the same to my dumb ass). It'll be a close race -- I'm sure we'll all give two shits about who wins.

Oh, and not to be outdone... me and Dave Epstein are running for "happy hour chairs"... yes, there are two slots for this. We care about beer. And we want to make sure you DRINK beer. So vote Dave and Jeff for your drinking chairs, and we'll be sure to fill your glass up when you're feeling down. Or just get you shitfaced on a weekday afternoon.

Back to the story at hand...

The night got far more intersting when I joined up with Caitlin, Jen, Abby and Caitlin's friend who's doing a masters in Judaic studies and admin policy at NYU (I figure if I can't remember her name, it's OK if I simply state some fact about her instead... that'll hold up in an article). We started at 2nd and 2nd at Patio, then moved next door to a gay bar... yes, a gay bar... called "hole"... yes, it's a gay bar.

I love gay people. I do. They're generally so nice and courteous. They also give me lots more attention and make feel special when so many girls think they're such hot shit in this city. Finally, a place where, when I walk in with Abby, the sexiest J-school girl I know, I get all the stares, not her. And, as it turns out...the stares were more like "uh, this guy's not gay... what's he doing here?"

So me and Abby followed a J-school crowd inside after they hadn't been able to decide on a place to go. This was on the suggestion of the gay guy and girl of the group-- great call. To their credit it was all you can drink.

$10 later, and now surrounded by a thousand friendly male faces, we watched life size projected video of funny cartoons, olympic dudes in spandex, and, of course, guys masturbating and sucking each other off. I will forever have fond memories of "hole."

Having seen "Irreversable," a film which begins with a very disturbing walk through a gay bar, I was a little intimidated to go to the bathroom by myself. I braved it nontheless, and met a fascinating guy named Jim who plays the piano for the broadway show Aida. His first words were unforgettable, "what's a straight guy like you doing in a place like this?" I said I wandered in with some friends, but explained that I'm no stranger to the gay scene and that I've been hit on many times in my day. I'm sure he thought that was cute.

Chatted it up with Coco for a while about GnR and Blur. Then some guy with a video camera and bright light came through the crowd. Abby and I naturally did not want to be filmed so we ducked away while he panned the scene.

Everyone left to hit up some other SoHo bars, but me and Abby headed back home to the upper west. I saw the NY Post delivering its papers on my walk from 81st to 108th... a very inspiring sight. I couldn't see what today's sensational, ADD-friendly headline was.

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Omar threw a little party today at 167th st. Very nice time. Got some photos. Me and roy went out and met up with the sorority crew (Suzy, Abby, Shasha, Devi) at west end before and headed up with them. It was a good time. I met a fellow jew Meredith, and bonded with Aron on the subway on the way back. It's 5am. I'm still drunk. It was a fun night. Photos are uploaded. I owe Devi some cash for all the beer I made her buy!!

Thursday, August 21, 2003

I met some new J-school people today at the West End. Lisa, Kristel, Jacob, Omar, and some random dudes who wandered in. I suspect it will be like this for the next 9 months.

Watched 'all the prez men' tonight, after drinking a lot of beer at Columbia's expense. I'll show them. It seems so far my tuition has paid for my 13 beers at these social events. I'm going to have to drink a lot more to get my money's worth.

This is my first post... I hope this thing doesn't fuck up like it has been for the last few months.