Jeff's Life

Stuff I do... I'm interesting, I swear.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

frozen bananas, part 2

Maddy's frozen bananas made me think of an awesomely awesome recipe idea. So frozen banana actually has the consistency of ice cream - it is a bit sweet, melts in your mouth and is creamy. I figured why not exploit that and use bananas as the "ice cream" base.

I took a few bananas, mashed them up with a fork (til they unfortunately looked a bit like vomit), then added some peanut butter (because frozen peanut butter kicks ass), some milk, and a bit of sugar. Then i froze it.

It still looked like vomit, but tasted really good. surprisingly delicious! and very similar in texture to ice cream, but it's all banana, which is actually very healthy. Also, they were organic bananas.

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