Jeff's Life

Stuff I do... I'm interesting, I swear.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I also went for a 16 mile run today. Yes, that is a pretty far run, but I'm still in pretty serious training mode for the New York City marathon that's coming up November 5. I only have about six weeks left to train, and that means only a few really long runs left to do.

To prepare for this 2 1/2 hour ordeal, I downloaded a whole bunch of interesting new music to test out on my run.

  • Nellie Fertado: pretty cool, not the greatest running music, but a few pretty catchy songs.
  • The Scissor Sisters: I do like the scissor sisters ever since Maddy introduced me to them shortly after we met. It sounds very similar to that last album, a few cool songs, but not so impressive.
  • Audio slave: very very cool band, and I've been a fan of all their albums so far. I think this one is my second favorite, second to their first album. As with all their albums, though, it starts to deteriorate after the first handful of songs. Although, I really don't get bored of Chris Cornell's voice.
  • Some Robbie Williams: I have very mixed feelings about him. Some stuff is really incredible, but other shit just blows. I had to skip over a lot of the songs, since nothing really sat well with me on my run.
  • Evanescence: besides being one of the most popular SAT words that I teach, this band is pretty catchy and I really dig their sound. I think the first few songs and a handful throughout were pretty good for my run, and just what I needed at times, but every now and then they get pretty slow and I had to skip over those.
  • Some smashing pumpkins -- Gish: I don't think this is their new album, but I really haven't followed the smashing pumpkins for about 10 years, so I have no idea what they're doing these days. I love their sound, and I wanna get back into some of the albums that I haven't heard and rediscover the albums I have heard.

Also on my run, I bumped into an old friend of mine who used to work with me at Citigroup in my past life. He was running the other way around 75th St on the west side along the bridle path. So I joined up with him and started going back the way I came, and together we did about 8:20 pace around the reservoir and back around the bottom of the park on the loop. Matt was telling me that he's been meaning to come to an all-you-can-eat sushi event for a while, and regretted that he hasn't come once. But now that he lives only 20 blocks from the Upper East Side sushi place, and no longer in Stamford, he has no choice but to come and party.


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