Jeff's Life

Stuff I do... I'm interesting, I swear.

Friday, December 29, 2006

USPS still sucks...

if you remember, i tried sending maddy a package to china. i insured it for $200 because i wasnt too sure of the post office people and it was an expensive gift. of course they ended up losing it. i filed an insurance claim. the way it works is: the USPS sends an inquiry letter to china asking the whereabouts of the package. then china (nobody in particular, just the entire country apparently), has 60 days to respond. i love the inefficiency. and of course this is something i have to now worry about and check on every so often otherwise i lose my money. meanwhile, maddy still has gotten nothing from me because i figure fuck it, i'll bring her stuff when i see her.

so i just called the USPS to check onthe claim. turns out their ENTIRE COMPUTER SYSTEM is down. i called yesterday and the woman says "it's down, call back later." I asked "when's later". she's like "a later time." I'm like, real helpful. So i called back today and AFTER you get through their insanely long annoying automated unhelpful menu system, you get a recorded message saying "all our systems are down, try back later." God I hate them so much.



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