Jeff's Life

Stuff I do... I'm interesting, I swear.

Monday, November 27, 2006

I finally scanned my slides I shot when Maddy and I were in Europe. Here's a link. There are about 100 photos.

They were shot on slide film, a format that is a pain in so many ways. Most places need to mail them to a lab to develop them (they can't do them in house), and when you get them back... what the heck are you going to do with slides? You can barely see them and the price of scanning them when you get them developed is about $2/slide, which is absurd. So I finally brought them to my parents' home and scanned them with my mom's slide scanner (to my mom's dismay... she thinks it will break if you look at it wrong, so you can imagine how worried she got when I said I was scanning 100 slides).

The photos require a little explanation, but basically here's the gist:

We were in the French countryside about 2 hrs east of Toulouse in a tiny town called "st geneiz" which we pronounced "saint gen-eeeze" until a frenchie said "no, you suck, it is pronounced 'SAN John-yeh'" our bad. so that's where all the animals came from. Jesse's wedding was at a chateau, or 'big ass castle'. it was pretty scenic and sweet.

there are some nice shots from the town and from the ceremony and wedding party.

then we went to barcelona and the trip to get there took about 16 hours and involved 4 trains and a bus.. no joke. the 2nd train was hit by lightning and died. we met a guy from cirque du soleil and a girl from barcelona who spoke english (thank god).

barcelona's beaches were cool -- lots of topless women, but not the kind you want to see topless.

the photos kind of go the wrong way and are not in any good order but it looks like the later ones are in france and the middle ones are in barcelona.

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