Jeff's Life

Stuff I do... I'm interesting, I swear.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I forgot to post about our kick-ass new years party my roommates and I hosted at our apartment. I guess there's not a whole to say that these photos don't already make apparent. Uh, people came. They brought a lot of booze. More people came. Booze was consumed. Happy new year.

Actually we had quite a good turnout. Meinon (from hopkins) and Marionada (my old college housemate) came, which was awesome. Marionada, we're still eating those truffle chocolates you brought but the cookies were gone the next day. And hoff came with Papa Shi. Chung brought her people. Zak has no friends but still managed to bring Greg (who we went skiing with several years ago) who brought a few of his people. Lots of other people came too, and I can't remember much else which is why I took pictures. Enjoy!

Chung begins preparing an incredible assortment of finger foods. I begin eating them.

People start making our apartment look like a real party zone... Not just a cramped apartment. Ok, it's just cramped. Whatever.I am on the phone with Maddy -- it is just after midnight, so Greg decided to swoop in for some photo action.

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