Jeff's Life

Stuff I do... I'm interesting, I swear.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Everything has gone well so far --

On thursday, the flight to san fran was on time, and the trip passed quickly as i watched 5 episodes of Heroes,, a great show. the in-flight entertainment was crappy tv but had a few minutes of bobbly flay cooking something, which i found amusing.

Randomly, it turns out my high school friend Alex's father was on the flight as I noticed him across the baggage claim area. He didnt seem to recognize me so I wasn't sure if it was really him or just his doppelganger, but a text message to Alex confirmed that yes, his father was there for business. But i was gone before I could say hello.

Sarah, my neighbor from freshman year who I am staying with in oakland, picked me up and we headed over to her place. we grabbed some mexican food at "campadres" which was playing a country music radio station. There are things i dont like that i never really gave a chance -- things like asparagus and cooked carrots. i've tried them once and never tried again. Country music never made it to my list of things I enjoy... but i confess i never gave it much of a chance. Well, after listening to maybe 20 songs of the most annoying, cheeseball country songs ever, i'm glad to report that yes, i hate country music. that is confirmed.

oh, reason we went to mexican -- there are no mexicans in china so i should get my fill beforehand.

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