Jeff's Life

Stuff I do... I'm interesting, I swear.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

another highly productive day:

- went to B&H to say hi to the hassids and buy a case for my tripod

-met up w my sister at Macy's to buy stuff for Maddy -- I'm going to smother her with gifts bought in NY that were ALL made in China. why not just wait til I get to china? Because maddy is expecting presents, and lots of 'em, when i see her

- then we dined at a deli in midtown.

- I dispatched my sister afterwards to go back to my apartment with the stuff we had bought, drop it off and pick up my big jar filled with all my change. I said she could keep 10% of however much the quarters and dimes and everything amount to. It was $56. I told her she could round up to $6 for her hard work.

- then to tutor at the office, followed by tutoring on the UES.

-finally home to discuss business school essays with my cousin.

- and hammer out more of my crazy Australia itinerary.

-and see the apple keynote address on their new iPhone, which, I hate to admit, looks pretty sweet.

whew, time to sleep. more of the same tomorrow.

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