Jeff's Life

Stuff I do... I'm interesting, I swear.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I had a going away party / joint birthday party with Dave and Evan @ Kanvas on Friday. It was a pretty wild time and a lot of people showed up.

My photos from that night, completely unedited

Avi's photos, taken at PM, a club in the meatpacking district that we went to after Kanvas...

Teresa's photos...

Funny story about Kanvas -- they kinda suck. I 'rented' their downstairs private room for our party by signing an agreement that my party would meet a $2,000 minimum at the bar in 3 hours (from 10:30 to 1:30). I figured this wouldn't be too difficult to meet (Dave, Evan and I had a party at Kanvas 3 years ago in the same room and met the minimum). So I assumed it'd be no problem. Sure enough, tons of people showed up, and the drinks/shots were flowing. Dave pulls me aside around midnight and asks if we'll be ok. I said "dude, look at all these people, of course we'll be fine, don't even worry about it."

Around 1:30 as people are trickling out, the manager comes over to me and says we are short, way short, of our minimum. I'm like "uh, it cant be that bad... we filled this place for the last 3 hrs". He's like, "you're at $1300. I'll give you another hour."

I honestly don't know how that's possible, and if it is, then their minimum is way to high. Anyway, an hour later, Avi and Evan both talked to the guy for a while to try to have them write off the "loss", which is ridiculous...Kanvas was actually not very full that night, and nobody was trying to come downstairs into our 'private' party -- so in other words we gave them huge business and it'd not like they lost money because they reserved that room just for us. Our party filled the place, too, so it's not as if another group would have been so much better unless they normally book alcoholics with expense accounts. Perhaps they do.)

In any event, I signed the form, so whatever, it's my fault. Avi was pissed because I could have done it at his bar, Aspen, for free. Finally, we were within a few hundred dollars, so Evan bought a bottle of vodka from the bar to meet the minimum. It was a little ridiculous because the bartender was one of those awesome guys who gives away tons of drinks and doesnt charge much ... evan got 10 shots and the guy charged $20. So obviously there was something amiss in their calculation of our bar minimum.

It was an awesome time though... I can't believe I got to see so many people before I left, it was awesome. I think I have photos of pretty much everyone I knew.

Funny moment was when roommate #2 (Vince, dave's friend who lived with us for a few months and painted his room a crazy red) met roommate #3 (nathalie, who, shocked to find her room a horrible red, painted it brown). Nathalie's reaction: "you're the guy who painted my room red!!!"

Amy (my friend from Trevor high school where I worked a few years back) told me she actually reads my blog and finds it entertaining!! She said she actually forwarded my Bill O'rielly rant to her friends because she liked it so much. That's awesome! Amy, there will be more rants, don't you worry. I'll be living in China. There will be ranting... I'm sure one will include my having to use the Pepto and Immodium AD I just purchased yesterday. Haha.

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